I felt inspired to focus on the topic of inspiration for an entire class, based on a previously inspired moment. Welcome to Part 2 of our inspiration discussion that mirrors a recent in-class experience in the Master of Digital Media Program’s Interdisciplinary Innovation course. We dove into the big, mysterious, elusive, alluring topic of inspiration. While we only scratched the surface of this big topic in class, so many incredible insights were gained that I felt inspired to create this three-part mini series that aligns with that in-class experience.
In the first episode (#131), we met Reilly Stephens, Creative Strategist, Pinterest, where she explored the topic of inspiration and digital media. We’ve arrived at the second part of the class, devoted to a conversation about where inspiration comes from and individuals’ experiences with it.
Over the next forty minutes or so, you’ll hear my conversation with five Master of Digital Media (MDM) students as I pick their brains about what inspiration means to them. I asked these particular five students to join me because they were the most actively engaged and interested during our in-class discussion. I’m excited for you to hear what they have to say in a panel discussion format.
Before we hear each of their thoughts on the topic, allow me to introduce you to the panel (photos and bios featured below).
In the following discussion, students weigh in on what inspires them, where they find inspiration, ‘authentic’ and ‘inauthentic’ forms of inspiration, the connection between creative output and self-worth, what the concept of ‘flow’ means in the context of inspiration and the role of rest in the creative process.
Welcome back to class…

About Our Panel:

Atif has a long-spanning career in technology strategy and management. He is Certified in Governance of Enterprise IT and a winner of the National Business Intelligence Award from Teradata. He is passionate and inquisitive about customer-centric technology strategy and user design. To explore this further, he has recently taken a break from his career and is back into academic work.

Riddhi Chopra is a multidisciplinary, multipassionate creative who loves turning big visions into tangible productions. She is most interested in the areas of creative direction, product design, and entrepreneurship in the fashion and film industries, but applies her skills to anything that piques her interest. Her ultimate personal and professional goal is to find the optimal intersection of business and creativity that keeps her inspired and jumping out of bed every morning.

Oludara is an Actor, Producer, Casting Associate and Ex banker amongst other things. She is currently getting a masters in Digital media in a bid to ensure she’s not left behind in an increasingly digital world. A natural explorer who is driven to explore new desires and horizons, Oludara loves travelling, cooking, hosting and believes that “normal is too mainstream”.

Hunter is a student pursuing his Master of Digital Media at TMU. He has a background in sports media production, graduating with a degree in it in 2022 and is very passionate about storytelling through all digital platforms. While in school, he currently works in the social media world, where he helps coordinate partnerships with influencers.

Hey! I'm Mustafa Siddiqi. I'm a Game Development major from Ontario Tech University and am now attending TMU full time for a Master's in Digital Media. Along with my coursework, I also stream and pursue content creation on the side.
Music: Poor, But Happy by HoliznaCC0 is licensed under a CC0 1.0 Universal License
Sound Effect (school bell): https://freesound.org/s/378394/
Talk Paper Scissors Theme Music: Retro Quirky Upbeat Funk by Lewis Sound Production via Audio Jungle
Episode Artwork: Canva