218: Live From DesignThinkers Toronto with Carl Shura!
217: Designing in the Beauty Industry featuring Ali DuHart of Benefit Cosmetics
216: Barns, Gumbo and Scriptoriums with Type Designer, Matthijs Herzberg
215: Collecting & Collaging with Eric Bargenda
212: Type Talk with Peter Ha
204: Designing Long Documents with Graphic Designer, Yas Fakhr
202: Ungrade Upgrade with Ryan Kough
200: The End II
199: The End
198: Defining Creative Success
197: Experiences = Life = Stories
196: Technology & Storytelling
195: Themes, Motifs, Narratives
194: The Integration of Storytelling Into Creative Practice
193: Meet the Artists & Designers
192: Coming Soon: The Art & Design of Storytelling
190:Experimentation, Iteration & Democratization in Font Creation with with Franz Hoffman of Fontself
189: Designing Variable Type with That That Harbor Bickmore
186: Typefaces of Toronto with Jeremy Gladstone
185: Constraint and Consistency with Ben O'Neil